Afterwards we all went out to dinner and the boys all got Chang wife beaters. Now Chang is pure evil. Its Thai beer that is something like 8% alcohol… so its really more like a malt liquor. Chang also promotes fighting… and ridiculousness.
Anywho, we went to go see some Thai Boxing…It was me, Rhys, Matt, Thomas, and Alex… none of the other girls wanted to go. Got incredible seats, on big leather chairs. We started betting on who would win and things. Then we discovered we got there late, so we only got to see a couple of fights. Thai boxing is incredibly brutal. We saw one fight where the guy was knocked out on the first punch… which was a little scary. And then they had kids fighting in the last fight… little kids… like maybe 9 years old. We didn’t bet on that one. But overall, it was pretty incredible. To promote it there is a truck that drives around making announcements on loud speakers… and there is a free bus that comes and picks everyone up. Before we went, we loaded up with all the Chang the hotel had. It all fit in this tote bag I had… and we borrowed a bottle opener from the hotel which I also held on to. Being in complete control of the beer… I became… the Chang Master.
This here picture is of a dog that lived around the hotel that the night before had been following us around, and chasing off other dogs. The boys decided to call the dog Nut Job.
We then decided to take our Chang and mix it with some power drinks called M-150 and play our favorite game… fuck the dealer…
Thomas opted to just go for the wife beater b/c it was hot.
And Matt and Rhys were going at it again…
Which then resulted in Matt’s nakedness...
So they then thought it was a great idea to roll down the concrete hill… which it actually wasn’t
After that didn’t work, they decided to have a worm race down the hill… which resulted in Rhys crushing one of his balls and being in severe pain for the rest of the trip.
Then there was the rest of the night running around and hanging out on the beach... but again no pictures... so no need to tell those stories.
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