So yeah, I decided that the last post was getting long, so I’ve split it up. Because of course, Bangkok by night is a totally different story. Basically… all the stories you heard, are most likely true… or so I hear. As with everything else in this place Bangkok really is just something out of movie. Especially Khoa San Road
Its at about this point that I met up w/ my next group. Another bunch of young ones. Two New Yorkers, a couple of Aussies, and a lot of Brits… Its actually a pretty big bunch. 17 of us including our leader. But I’ll get into details later. We just had dinner and some drinks before I split to meet back up for one last swing with the old group.

So here it is Khoa San Road….

The group of us went to an Irish Bar called Shamrock. Seen here is what is left of us post Chiang Mai. Jenni, Richard, Anna, Sam, Monica, Justine and Eliza.

Its at about this point that I met up w/ my next group. Another bunch of young ones. Two New Yorkers, a couple of Aussies, and a lot of Brits… Its actually a pretty big bunch. 17 of us including our leader. But I’ll get into details later. We just had dinner and some drinks before I split to meet back up for one last swing with the old group.
So here it is Khoa San Road….
The group of us went to an Irish Bar called Shamrock. Seen here is what is left of us post Chiang Mai. Jenni, Richard, Anna, Sam, Monica, Justine and Eliza.
Here we have Jenni and Eliza hanging out with Mr. Bangkok. This guy actually had a poster and thing outside advertising that her was Mr. Bangkok.

Me and Eliza and our bucket of whiskey coke and rebull… yes, I Drink whiskey now… or more specifically lao lao whiskey.
We then headed over to the Hookah bar… which the Thai and the Brits don’t call hookas, they call it something else… which I believe starts with an S…shisha i think... anywho. So for those of you asking... Uh... whats a Hookah?... I'll give you a blib... its a smoking pipe that originated in Iran. Usually you use fruit and tobacco. I remember the first couple of times I ran into hookas... the first time was in Turkey... and all these people had them and offered me some... at the time I thought it was a bong... and respectfully declined... only to learn later that that may have been a bit of an insult and it was really a nice gesture on their part. The second time it was me and Dana in Slovenia... and they had them at our hostel... we just kinda sat in aw... as neither of us was willing to find out whether or not it was a bong... but now that they've grown in popularity in the states, more or less everyone knows what they are.

Pass the Hooka

Anna and the Hooka

Our “serious” picture

Some fine examples of serious British Dancing

Jenni and Me

Justine and the Hooka

Monica and Me
After the hooka bar, we decided to go clubbing… at a place called… The Club. Let me tell ya… techno bars go as well in Bangkok as they do in the U.S. in other words, a huge flop. But still fun just to hang out one last time with everyone. And that closes this chapter of my grand adventures with my Tap into Laos crew.
Me and Eliza and our bucket of whiskey coke and rebull… yes, I Drink whiskey now… or more specifically lao lao whiskey.
We then headed over to the Hookah bar… which the Thai and the Brits don’t call hookas, they call it something else… which I believe starts with an S…shisha i think... anywho. So for those of you asking... Uh... whats a Hookah?... I'll give you a blib... its a smoking pipe that originated in Iran. Usually you use fruit and tobacco. I remember the first couple of times I ran into hookas... the first time was in Turkey... and all these people had them and offered me some... at the time I thought it was a bong... and respectfully declined... only to learn later that that may have been a bit of an insult and it was really a nice gesture on their part. The second time it was me and Dana in Slovenia... and they had them at our hostel... we just kinda sat in aw... as neither of us was willing to find out whether or not it was a bong... but now that they've grown in popularity in the states, more or less everyone knows what they are.
Pass the Hooka
Anna and the Hooka
Our “serious” picture
Some fine examples of serious British Dancing
Jenni and Me
Justine and the Hooka
Monica and Me
After the hooka bar, we decided to go clubbing… at a place called… The Club. Let me tell ya… techno bars go as well in Bangkok as they do in the U.S. in other words, a huge flop. But still fun just to hang out one last time with everyone. And that closes this chapter of my grand adventures with my Tap into Laos crew.
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